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Number One Yoga Pose for Awakening Sexual Energy in Women healing makarasana makrasana restorative trauma yin yoga Aug 23, 2021

by: Emily Davies

The restorative yoga posture called Makrasana, or crocodile pose, will help you feel centered, grounded, relaxed and amazing in your own skin. This pose naturally helps to evoke a deep sense of safety in the nervous system. For that reason, it’s proven to be very helpful...

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Healing the pelvic floor core embodiment healing libido mastery painful sex pelvic floor health pelvic pain pelvis sexual pleasure trauma Jul 26, 2021

by: Emily Davies

A healthy pelvic floor is at the foundation of your sexual wellness. Pelvic floor health is so central to your sexual wellness that it is SO SEXY (even if it doesn’t sound that way)! In fact, I would love for you to become obsessed with your pelvic floor… at least...

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