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Turn on the core asana bandha core integration moola bandha mula bandha Apr 11, 2022

By: Emily Davies

We do crunches, pilates, yoga, strength training... but for so many of us, the core is a puzzle that we just can't seem to figure out...

Why is the core so elusive?

In this short instructional video, I teach you MY FAVORITE (physical therapy) move to synergize and strengthen...

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Awakening the g-spot clitoral orgasm clitoris female ejaculation g-spot gspot orgasm sexual pleasure skene's gland yin yoni massage Feb 22, 2022
Photo by Emma Li from Pexels
by: Emily Davies
The g-spot is a space of wild pleasure potentiality, and stimulation of this area can result in female ejaculation.
Often we have to work with the emotional and physical barriers in order to allow that beautiful damn to let down...
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Intra-abdominal pressure and the pelvic floor bandha breathing core iap incontinence low back tension pelvic floor pelvic floor tension pressure prolapse sensory motor amnesia Feb 11, 2022

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash 

by: Emily Davies

Learning to feel & play with intra-abdominal pressure is immensely beneficial to anyone experiencing sexual pain, pelvic tension, pelvic organ prolapse, and other pelvic floor issues like hypertonic pelvic floor.


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Unlock the secret pathway to your pleasure pelvic pain pelvis unlock Jan 07, 2022

by: Emily Davies

The pelvis and low belly are at the center of our deepest & most personal experiences.

Think about it...

Problems with the guts, with urination, sexual function, and bowel function are all pretty central to whether or not we’re feeling good! 

When we have...

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