Contact Emily

Meet Emily

Founder of Yoga for Sexual Wellness


Emily is a sexual embodiment coach and is the Founder of Yoga for Sexual Wellness. She specializes in supporting her students in removing the obstacles holding them back from their self-healing. As a thought leader for the modern world, her mission is to support people in liberating themselves from any constraints preventing them from living their best life and aligning with their deepest passion and most complete expression of themselves. 

Her work in sexuality & relationships is deeply informed by the Eastern sexual healing arts of the Taoists & Tantrikas. From her first introduction to sacred sexuality, she felt her calling to help herself & others reclaim the spiritual nature of sex.

Emily is a certified yoga professional with backgrounds in Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga, trauma-sensitivity, pelvic floor yoga, and medical cardiac yoga. Her continuing education includes energy healing, bodywork and movement with Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains, Buddhist studies, Eastern sexual healing & philosophy, and alignment-focused yoga with Doug Keller. She holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, is a mother of two, and is a forever student of yoga, meditation, vitality, and joie de vivre.

What We Do


We founded this platform with these primary goals:

supporting women in having profoundly pleasurable sex, deep intimate relationships, and educating them to use their sex magic to fuel their lives.

Our courses, retreats and coaching are all geared at peeling away anything that isn't serving you. It's a cocoon of transformation. Misdirected sexual energy and messages can cause deep wounds. Our mission is to support women in overcoming all the toxic messages of the world we live in today and to guide her on a path of self-realization through the lens of her own body and pleasure. 

Women who work with us report: more pleasure during sex, higher libido, stronger pelvic muscles, sense of their feminine power through their sensuality, better self-image and confidence, deeper intimate connections with their partners, better communication & boundaries, an overall more spiritual life, and an evolution in all areas of life to be more aligned with their truth and desires.