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Turn on the core asana bandha core integration moola bandha mula bandha Apr 11, 2022

By: Emily Davies

We do crunches, pilates, yoga, strength training... but for so many of us, the core is a puzzle that we just can't seem to figure out...

Why is the core so elusive?

In this short instructional video, I teach you MY FAVORITE (physical therapy) move to synergize and strengthen...

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Yoga practice for embodied surrender asana practice restorative yoga yin yoga yoga therapy Aug 30, 2021

by: Emily Davies

In restorative yoga, we bolster the body - we build up the props to support our head, limbs, or joints - so that we may sink into a deeper level of openness.

Openness is vulnerable. How do we know it's safe to open? Well, that's a topic for another video. As long as you're in a...

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