
Yoga practice for embodied surrender

asana practice restorative yoga yin yoga yoga therapy Aug 30, 2021

by: Emily Davies

In restorative yoga, we bolster the body - we build up the props to support our head, limbs, or joints - so that we may sink into a deeper level of openness.

Openness is vulnerable. How do we know it's safe to open? Well, that's a topic for another video. As long as you're in a safe space, let's practice opening the body-mind with this short restorative yoga sequence.

Purely by it's own program of self-preservation, the nervous system may prevent us from sinking into the deepest state of openness and vulnerability  (not by choice, but by habit). 

This is one reason why restorative yoga is so healing for the emerging feminine energy. The practices bolster us as the props whisper, "You are enough, right there - let me catch you. You are safe to let go, I'll hold you."

Many of us are so used to measuring our self-worth by how much we are "DOING," that to relax into the inner world, let go of all control and becoming soft, receive, nurture & connect can feel scary.

It's ok. We'll get through this time and move into a time when everyone moves beyond self-preservation mode. Allow this short yoga practice to bring you some good medicine. 

In a forward bend, we settle into the solid feeling of the feet on the ground while humbly bowing to the earth and sky.  Use this posture to build your root chakra. The feet and legs feel heavy and we can let the spine tip over them like a waterfall. Feel a sense of trust running from your tailbone down the legs into the earth.

In child's pose you are protected. This pose is so good for the parasympathetic nervous system. Know you are safe, and slowly let the body respond. Emptying any stories you’re holding.

Tadpole pose is slightly more sexually open. What is it like to open up for yourself? Not as an object of anyone else's sexual desire, but just for you. 

In supported backbend the heart opens wide. An inquiry into living heart forward. Displays a willingness to show up and be seen. Heart is a safe space to open, as the reservoir of love is infinitely deep. There is always more love available. 

Supta baddha konasana… really sexually open & vulnerable. Arrived at a willingness to bare it all, we didn’t do it alone. We’ve asked the earth & props to support us. We are bolstered by something that is so real and true, that it's ok to let all the walls down. Its ok to melt into these props and smile with your newfound freedom. Caring way less about what the world thinks of you and simply letting yourself melt into the fiery, watery, earthy spaciousness that you are. No more stories about who you are supposed to be. Just simply being. No expectations, just being. Cutting all ties to an unhelpful history, loving freely and fully. You are safe, you are lovable, you are loving, you are love.

“I am safe, I am lovable, I am loving, I am love.” Feel it.



If you want to start the journey of unlocking your deep inner feminine source energy - check out my mini course called Unlock or book a free coaching call with me - I'd love to witness you step into this path!