
A practice to help you become wired for pleasure

mental health mindfulness mindset Aug 09, 2021

by: Emily Davies

I like to think of sex as the microcosm for life. When you are open to feeling deep pleasure and joy in life, it is reflected in your sex and vice versa. This is a deeper meaning of the sensation of pleasure than just a surface level, fleeting moment of instant gratification. True Pleasure is a positive feeling in every cell, in the mind, energy, heart, and soul. Sometimes the pleasure runs so deep & feels so true that you become orgasmic!

There are many bumps in the road to experiencing more pleasure and joy in life. Sometimes one thing goes wrong, and then another, and then another - “When it rains, it pours,” as They say. This is the snowball effect of one difficult or unpleasant thing or leading to more of the same. Then, we aren’t feeling good because these annoying things are happening and we start thinking thoughts of anything that could possibly go wrong in life! It’s like being caught up in the negative energy bubble - one negative thought magnetizes more negative thoughts and suddenly everything you could potentially stress about comes into your mind and you start feeling terrible! It’s important to recognize these as thought patterns woven into our neurophysiology - not necessarily by choice, but by habit - that are called forth by the energy field we create when we don’t feel good. Thought patterns are often what limit our ability to expand into our deepest capacity for pleasure. 

It is possible to interrupt negative/unhelpful thought patterns with the Pleasure in Presence practice! When you take a moment to find something good or enjoyable, think a pleasant thought, and purposefully cultivate positive feelings in the body, it will help you feel better right now.  When you feel good, you think more positively, and suddenly the world of possibility opens up. It’s that simple. 

Pleasure in Presence is a practice that I designed to help you become wired for pleasure. You can use it to get out of a mental funk, to transform your energy and essentially to feel better in your body right now. 

The trick is that it has to be authentic, this is not about false happiness. Instead, try to find and focus your mind and energy on ONE positive, nourishing, or beautiful sensation within your perception, and allow the nice feeling to move through your body.  

To do the practice, relax and look around the room or environment you’re in, observe one thing that is pleasant to you - perhaps the color of a flower blooming nearby, or the sensation of a slight breeze in the air as it brushes across your skin. Focus on that sensation and think about the pleasant quality in your mind, then try to feel the pleasant sensation in the heart, and then try to feel the pleasant sensation with such truth that you can feel it in the deep belly.  This practice will help you become wired for pleasure by spending time focusing on and feeling what you DO enjoy!

If you want to learn more skills for becoming wired for pleasure, check out my mini course called Ascend where you learn mindset techniques for helping you transcend limiting beliefs and embody your sensuality (which feels really good!).