Yoga for Sexual Pain

In this four week yoga series participants will learn foundational mind-body-spirit concepts, techniques, and skills to help ease tension related issues with sex in the pelvis and pelvic floor. 

Women who join this course series are ready to step into their healing & pleasure journey.

For women experiencing*...

Painful Sex

Pelvic pain




Other tension-related pelvic floor issues

Upcoming Series


Coming soon!

Client Experience

Course Details

This class series is designed to... 
  • Teach you refined breathing and postural mechanics that will help you ease stress and tension living in the deep belly and pelvic floor
  • Help you develop your psychic strength to work with the psycho-spiritual factors impacting your ability to feel better
  • Help you feel a sense of empowerment in your sexual and pelvic health & wellness journey
  • Compliment anything you're doing with your pelvic floor physical therapist
  • Help you feel more confident in your alignment with yoga, pilates or other exercises

Topics Covered:

  • Overview of yoga
  • Pelvic postural deviations
  • Diaphragmatic breathing 
  • Stress and Somatics
  • Alignment and stretching for unlocking the pelvis and sex organs
  • Relaxation yoga & mechanics for softening around the deep belly
  • Mindfulness & psychosomatics of working with pain/pleasure
  • Q&A with hands-on support 
  • Group connection and sharing

What this is NOT:

  • Genital or erotic touching
  • Intended to put you on the spot
  • Asking you to do anything you don't feel ready for
  • Nakedness or body/sexual exhibition of any sort
You can go at your own pace. Sexuality is private, it's personal, and can be deeply emotional.
It's important that you know that you can take your time working with your sexual and pelvic pain - your process is unique to you.


What is it? An educational series, not a yoga "studio" class. While we will practice some movement, stretching, breathing & concentration practices, that is not the predominant focus of our time together. I will be teaching you specific concepts for working with pelvic & sexual pain and helping you awaken to the embodiment of these techniques.

Who is it for?  Anyone who would like to deepen their own ability to use movement, breathing, and imagery to experience release of tension & pain in the pelvis and pelvic floor.  Specific issues our students present with include: pelvic pain, sexual pain, vaginismus, vulvodynia, anxiety, endometriosis, or other tension related issues of the pelvic and pelvic floor.

How is this different from going to a regular yoga class? In a regular yoga class, the instructor doesn't often have the time nor the capacity to provide detailed instructions on alignment. Often the understanding of the core & pelvic floor remain elusive.  Yoga studio classes are a wonderful supplement to the work we will learn together, however not all yoga is created equal. I am happy to support you in finding a weekly yoga class, convenient to your lifestyle, that will be a good place to continue putting our skills into practice. I also have pre-recorded videos in my online courses that can help you continue your home practice, and go even deeper into your sexuality.

Do I have to have yoga experience?  Yoga experience is helpful but not required. If you have physical issues, several health issues or trouble with movement or exercise, contact us so we can offer a more personalized approach.

*Please consult your doctor or other healthcare professional to make sure you are ok to begin a yoga program. Nothing taught by Emily Davies is a substitute for medical advice. 

What if I can't attend all four weeks? We request that you make every effort to attend all four sessions. If you have an emergency and cannot attend, you will miss that week’s information. At this point I cannot guarantee another opportunity to make up that missed session. I will offer a limited amount of discounted private sessions of $90/hour for anyone attending this group series.

Will there be homework?  Each week I will offer a simple practice routine (20 mins, or longer if you wish) that I suggest doing everyday or at least 3 times over the week. Some weeks participants will be asked to make observations about their habits, or do some journaling. Your participation in the homework is entirely up to you, however doing the practices at home will help you progress faster and with greater consistency.

  • If you would like pre-recorded yoga videos for stretching the pelvis & hips, and a guided pelvic floor breathing audio meditation, I have that available in my online mini-course called Unlock for $44. There is absolutely no pressure to use my online material and absolutely no obligation.


Select Your Payment Option to Enroll

A full refund will be offered if cancelled 7 days before the first meeting. A 50% refund will be offered if cancelled 48 hours prior to the first meeting. No refunds will be given after.